Lisa Prager

Lisa Prager is a New Zealand artist who currently uses digital technology as her paintbrush to create portrait and landscape ‘paintings’. Her work is colourful, joyous and bristling with energy.

At 7 years old Lisa discovered glow in the dark paint and surprised her parents by creating a guinea pig loving mural above their bed. At 20, after her first love affair with wax pop-art, she exhibited a reclining half peeled banana in the group show Nudes with Pat Hanly and Allan Maddox. From here she experimented in different mediums: small exploratory works on paper, 100 daubed straw sunhats, TV iconography on rubbish sacks, pastels, painted ceramics, acrylic on canvas, until she discovered celluloid and political activism.

With the sweeping changes we are all encountering now comes a call, back to the authentic self, and for Lisa this means a long overdue engagement with her studio practice. Sometimes expansive and at other times introspective Prager’s works invite the viewer to seek their own journey within the image before them.

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